Friday, November 7, 2008

Case of the Missing Puffles

1. Talk to Aunt Artic and she will talk all about the missing puffles. (what she's saying is unimportant so move on with her)

2. Go to the ice rink and scroll to the right side of the rink and you will see some photos of puffles. Put it in your inventory.

3. Give the pictures to Aunt Artic.

4. Go to the Pet Shop and scroll to the far left and you will see like a small paper on top of this doghouse.

5. Click on it. You will see that it's print is a code. On the bottom right part of the screen there is a word "CODE". Just scroll the mouse down on it. Just figure out what the second line is and don't forget it.

6. Go to the sports shop and you will see G. Talk to him and ask him if you could see his "SPECIAL ITEMS'. He will ask you how many pairs of socks he owns. The second line in the paper tells how many pairs of socks he has. If you get it right, he will show you his special items.

7. Get the life preserver shooter and the grappling hook and put it in your inventory.

8. Go to the iceberg and you will see some penguins floating on a piece of ice. Help them by getting your life preserver shooter and clicking on them one by one to rescue them. (its a little tricky)

9. Go to the mountain and you will see a penguin with a broken telescope. Get the wrench from your spy phone it your inventory and while you are holding the wrench, click on the telescope. and it will fix itself.

10. Then the penguin will say to just click on the telescope to see through it. Look through the telescope. scroll to the left or right until you see a green puffle flying on a propeller cap.

11. Then go to the tallest mountain and scroll up and click on top. It will say that you need a special equipment to climb to the top. Get your grappling hook and while you're holding it, click on top again.

12. You will see the puffle with the propeller cap and it will show you something. You will see that they just wanted to take a picture of Club Penguin. Just go on until you go to Aunt Artic's igloo and get the medal.


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